
Showing posts from April, 2017
Top 10 Food That Improve Your Blood Circulation Please find below video by click on  KEEP READING   From:  Diabetes zone  Channel

Exercise for a Positive Mind Set

Regular exercise may be one of the best ways to enhance powerful mood-lifting brain chemicals that may work as natural antidepressants. It enhances overall brain function and helps to alleviate depression, one of the most common disorders of our time. We know that exercise is one of the best ways to improve overall metabolism. But how often do we hear about exercise enhancing overall brain function and helping to alleviate depression, one of the most common disorders of our time? The answer is not nearly often enough. The truth is that regular exercise may be one of the best ways to enhance powerful mood-lifting brain chemicals that may work as natural antidepressants. Try Nature’s Antidepressant In 1999, researchers at Duke University Medical Center showed that exercise can be just as effective as prescribed medication in reducing symptoms of major depression. The study, which appeared in the  Archives of Internal Medicine , involved 156 elderly patients diagnosed w

10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat

You know what they say: “You are what you eat.” In today’s high-cholesterol and trans-fat loving world, this age-old saying has begun to physically manifest itself more than ever before. Hectic lifestyles have made us lazy consumers. Seldom do we check the ingredients of the products we pick up at the supermarket. We just buy what is popular, without considering how it may affect our health. But our diet has a direct effect on our health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, the majority of the world’s population lives in nations where excessive weight gain is a bigger killer than malnourishment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. An unhealthy diet is the window to obesity and chronic heart disease.  When planning a healthy diet, there are certain foods that we must avoid at all costs to begin transitioning toward better health. Here a

10 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries

The prevalence of cardiovascular conditions is increasing day by day, and more people are dying from them. One of the key risks for developing a cardiovascular disease is clogged arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. Healthy arteries are flexible, strong, elastic and free from any deposits. But  when fat, cholesterol and other substances build up in the arteries, they can become clogged and eventually narrow and harden . This condition, which results in reduced blood flow through the arteries, is called atherosclerosis. Clogged arteries do not occur overnight. The blockage develops over time. Diet and lifestyle choices play a key role in the development of this condition. The good news is that eating healthy can help prevent clogged arteries and related health issues. Here are the top 10 foods that you should eat daily for clean arteries. 1. Garlic Another healthy food to cleanse your arteri